ve·loc·i·ty rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed.

If you've heard me talk about Agile Infrastucture, or read my personal blog, you might have noticed that I frequently make references to Velocity. When we started planning DevOpsDays US, there was consensus from the beginning to backdraft Velocity.

I have a hard time saying 'DevOps' was born at any one time or any one place, as doing so ignores a large body of individual and organizational work, knowledge and experience, but Velocity has to be considered seminal in the course of the formation and articulation of DevOps ideas and ideals.

Last year, John Allspaw and Paul Hammond gave this unforgettable talk on Dev and Ops cooperation, but that theme was apparent, if not explicit, at the first Velocity conf in '08. I did my best to contribute.

Velocity is all about web application performance and operations. My personal opinion is that much of the innovation and forward pressure we are witnessing in the DevOps ecosystem has come from the crucible of building and managing highly scaled web applications. I also feel like Velocity Conf is an epicenter for the DevOps community of practice.

All of the people organizing DevOpsDays will be at Velocity. Damon and I both have presentations this year and Patrick will be there as an author of a chapter in the new 'Web Operations' book from O'Reilly.

Our panels are sprinkled with Velocity speakers as well:

Velocity is a DevOps conference. Register now with a 20% discount: vel10ddd

If you are at Velocity, definitely make a point to say hello. We'll be around. (If you know the DevOps secret handshake, we might have a T-shirt for you.)

Andrew Clay Shafer DevOps Agent Provocateur

P.S. Have something you want to say?

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