Abstract: I know that the rule for Ignite slots is "don't give a sales pitch," but I'm going to ask you to make an exception to that. . . .

On Saturday, March 12th (at the NERD center), I'm going to be giving a one-day class of "Workplace Presentations 101 for IT Professionals." It's aimed squarely at sysadmins and devops folks, the intent being to help them learn how to give presentations. It's only $20 per person and that includes lunch and snacks.

I think this class is of significant interest to many of the folks likely to attend the Boston DevOpsDays and to their peers -- so I'm asking for one Ignite slot to let folks know it's happening. If it matters, I'm running the class as a not-for-profit venture: no one is getting paid and no one is making any money from it. Also, I believe I can make a strong case for why folks should attend the class (namely, it's a skill that I feel is critical for career advancement).

All the details of the class are here:


I hope you'll consider my request for a slot and for an exception to the "no pitch" rule.

Proposer: Adam Moskowitz - Menlo

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