New York (January) 2013 - proposals
Gold sponsors
This page list the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!
Conference Talks
We're Doing it Wrong! - What DevOps needs to learn from traditional, segregated Dev and Ops teams in order to scale up
- Jan Schaumann
Test Driven Deployment
- Mat Schaffer
Ten Best Practices of Mobile DevOps
- Sanjeev Sharma
Quit Your Job! It's the best way to level-up your skills
- Nathen Harvey
On Hiring (in a DevOps World)
- Dave Zwieback
Mommy, Dev and Ops won't let me play with them! -- Sec, the nerdy outsider of the nerds club, just wants to belong
- Jan Schaumann
Meat & Potatoes Architecture for Internet Application Security and Redundancy
- Adam Nelson
Knights of the Provisioning Round Table - Bare Metal Provisioning
- Sean OMeara
Infrastructure deployment contracts and zero downtime deployment with Orcé
- David Ellis
If You Can't Trust Your Code, Get in to the Kitchen!
- Nathen Harvey
How Github does Ops
- Mark Imbriaco
Getting Config Management Adoption in an existing Organization
- Mike Fiedler
Foreman and friends
- Sam Kottler
Failure is always an option
- Matthias Meyer
Don't pay for a dumb broker
- Patricio Arvizu
DevOps At Obama for America & The Democratic National Committee
- Leo Zhadanovsky - John Schneider
Deming to Devops
- John Willis
Continuous Deployment Workflow in Action
- Jason Wash - Geoffrey Arnold
Beware the echo chamber chamber chamber -- Of conferences and filter bubbles
- Jan Schaumann
Automate or Die
- Aaron Quint
Ignite Talks
Zero Downtime Deployments on MySQL
- Bob Feldbauer
Working with CloudFormation and ChefSolo to Manage the Knewton Platform
- Sarah Haskins
Simple Black Box
- Dieter Plaetinck
Safely Drinking from the Data Waterhose
- Jan Schaumann
Graphduty: monitoring via graphite
- Peter Norton
From Nachos to Sushi: A monitoring Love Story
- Bethany Benzur
Don't pay for a dumb broker
- Patricio Arvizu
Silver sponsors