Amsterdam 2013 - Proposal

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Successful testing the continuous delivery process


Many organisations want to shorten their time-to-market. By implementing agile they try to shorten the delivery time. Agile projects use practices like continuous integration, automated deployment, (acceptance) test-driven development and regression test automation to get to continuous delivery. In this process build, integration, test, and deployment automation plays an important role.

The delivery of software has to become fast and reliable. But what does it take to get to continuous delivery? What are the testing challenges we face in a continuous delivery? Which test strategies can we apply be able to test continuous delivery?

This talk zooms in on fully automated testing and a high degree of automation in the business facing testing to get to continuous delivery. It focusses on solutions (tooling) within a continuous delivery model from a testing perspective. It gives the participants insights in the use of requirements management tooling, test solutions built with tooling like Selenium and Fitnesse, JMeter, Appdynamics and other tooling. How can deployment processes be implemented with the use of the right (often lightweight) tooling? Which test strategy fits in this process and how to organize collaboration between developers, testers and operations?

Finally this talk gives practical examples of projects were these solutions were used.


Miel Donkers (Agile Solution Developer) + colleague (tester)

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Silver sponsors

eBay Zilverline Wercker Byte Engine Yard codecentric Apache Cloudstack evolven

BBQ Sponsors

Bitbrains Ugly Duckling