Silicon Valley 2013 - proposals
Platinum sponsors
This page list the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!
Conference Talks
Your Agile Performance Testing Checklist: MultiMechanize, Bees with Machine Guns, PageSpeed and AppDynamics
- Dustin Whittle
Unchaining Development Agility
- Anand Rudrabhatla
The IT Culture Cocktail Party – DevOps, ITSM, Agile and Technology
- Jayne Groll
The Devops Journey that Transformed REA
- Javier Turegano
The DevOps Pay Raise: Quantifying Your Value to Move Up the Ladder
- Dustin Whittle
Testing as a Service - How we used OpenStack to automate our entire dev and testing environment
- Nati Shalom
Test Kitchen 1.0 - A Config Management-Neutral Integration Testing Tool
- Fletcher Nichol
Test Driven Deployment
- Mat Schaffer
Strategies for introducing agile software development practices in operations
- Ranjib Dey
Strategies for Pushing DevOps
- Nate Johnson
Start Social Ops
- David Mytton
Managerial Mindset: Change It or Game Over!
- John Esser
Make Ned Scale! How Private PaaS Can Scale Management in a World of Limitless Virtualization
- John Wetherill
Looking for Trouble: How to rapidly diagnose and solve crazy problems when time matters
- Geoff White
Leveling Up a New Engineer in a Devops Culture; Healthy Sustainability
- Gary Foster
Leading the Horses to Drink: A Practical Guide to Gaining Support and Initiating a DevOps Transformation
- Damon Edwards
Is Your Team Instrument Rated (or: Deploying 89,000 times a day)
- J. Paul Reed
How Application Defined Networking (ADN) Remediates Cloud Performance Challenges
- Pascale Vicat-Blanc
Enhance your agile and CD practices with key analytics to meet enterprise needs
- Raziel Tabib
Enabling DevOps Collaboration with Application deep-dive Monitoring
- Debu Panda
Economics vs. Technology: Testing on replicas of production
- Geert Jansen
Don’t build it yourself: Leveraging AWS services to allow focus on differentiating work
- Sudhindra Rao
Distributed DevOps what can possibly go wrong with having teams all over the planet
- John Martinez
DevOps+Agile=Business Transformation
- Jesse Robbins
DevOps in Outer Space?!
- John Tangney
DevOps for Security: Automation is your only hope to protect Cloud IaaS
- Andrew Hay
DevOps Isn’t Enough
- John Esser
Desired State Configuration and Microsoft Windows
- Jeffrey Snover
Continuously deploying Mingle on the cloud - a showcase
- Sheroy Marker
Continuous integration enabled by freebies
- Chrissie Cui
Continuous Quality: What DevOps Means for QA
- Jeff Sussna
Continuous Integration with Packages - A Not So Scary Deployment Model
- Brett Gailey
Continuous Deployment with ansible
- Tim Gerla
Continuous Delivery with Jenkins and Cloudify (FastConnect)
- Uri Cohen
Coming to Terms with Chef: A Support Group for the Weary and Downtrodden Admin
- Joan Touzet
Clusters, developers, and the complexity in Infrastructure Automation
- Antoni Batchelli
Chef Resources and Providers
- Miah Johnson
Chef - The easy way
- Mat Schaffer
Building your own OpsWorks with Chef and Cloudify
- Nati Shalom
Building cross region and cross cloud high availability into your app
- Uri Cohen
Building a Culture of Operational Excellence
- Arup Chakrabarti
Bring Devs Closer to Production
- Pete Hodgson
Beyond Pretty Charts…. Analytics for the rest of us
- Toufic Boubez
Beyond DevOps: User-Centered IT
- Jeff Sussna
Before you trust your code, make it run the Gauntlt!
- James Wickett
Automating Infrastructure Testing
- Barry Jaspan
Arm your DevOps Team with Big Data
- Christian Beedgen
Analysis techniques for identifying waste in your build pipeline
- Scott Turnquest
Ignite Talks
The Positive Powers of Negative Thinking
- David Hatten
Systems theory for successful enjoyment of AWS
- Philip Jacob
Selling devops to product developers
- Karthik Gaekwad
Running Cassandra on AWS
- Philip Jacob
- Benjamin Arent
How to hire engineers that get devops
- Philip Jacob
How companies are using AWS
- Philip Jacob
Going All-In with Vagrant
- Jeff Sussna
Gitnite Your Deployment
- Juan Delgado
Getting Started with CloudScript
- Nick Peterson
From Monitoring, With Love
- Peco Karayanev
DevOps and the CIA
- Karthik Gaekwad
DevOps Do's and Don'ts
- Dave Mangot
Beer, Pineapples and Bottlenecks
- Adrian Cockcroft
Applying devops methodologies to traditional IT
- Serge Bery
8 mistakes that prevent DevOps success
- Jonathan Thorpe
5 Compelling Actions You Can Start To Implement Tomorrow To Improve Communications & Collaboration
- David Ratcliffe
Special sponsors
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