We have a small team that would like to propose a panel discussion for the Devops Days event in Mountain View. The format would be a quick introduction of the topic with a few talking points followed by a back and forth panel discussion with the audience. While we are of course proposing this panel, we would welcome and encourage another team in similar circumstances to join us in the panel discussion to broaden the viewpoints.
This would be a panel discussion to discuss onboarding a new engineer into an existing devops team. Discussion includes how to integrate a new engineer into a team practicing continuous delivery, establishing a mentoring relationship and the importance of devops as a foundational engineering culture.
Initial opening discussion would include a few items to seed the discussion. These would reflect topics for thought from the perspective of the hiring manager, the mentor and the protege and would not only include discussions around the devops mindset and discipline but would also extend out to how we grow and maintain a sustainable talent pool.
We have recently hired a new junior engineer from Hackbright Academy (http://www.hackbrightacademy.com) and the panel would consist of her (Mercedes Coyle), her mentor (Gary Foster) and the hiring manager (Erik Sowa) involved. Special emphasis would be given to our internal devops-centric culture, how we approach problems in an experimental fashion and how we encourage or engineers to grow within that mindset.
We would also relish the opportunity to do this panel with another team. If there is another company with a similar team that would like to take part we would love to share the panel with them and would encourage them to participate.
Gary Foster, Mercedes Coyle, Erik Sowa