Tel Aviv 2013 - proposals
Gold sponsors
This page list the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!
Conference Talks
Wix case study - scaling to over 35M users
- Yoav Abrahami
When sh!t hits the fan - WebOps disaster survival guide
- Avishai Ish-Shalom
What is exactly Anti-fragile in DevOps?
- Asher Sterkin
The future of operating systems
- Avishai Ish-Shalom
The devops field guide to cognitive biases
- Lindsay Holmwood
Test automation patterns for continuous delivery
- Alon Aizenberg
Team refactoring: How re-architecting a system affects people, teams and processes
- Tal Salmona
Real world strategies in continuous delivery
- Aviran Mordo
Re-Culturing a 200 employees Start-Up
- Dvir Greenberg and David Virtser
Rainmakers, that is what we need! Don't we?
- Arjan Eriks
Project SVAROG
- Roman Kolodchak
Nirvana: faster, cheaper and better continuous integration and delivery using the cloud
- Chen Nisnkorn
Kanban - a sane way towards DevOps
- Yuval Yeret
Jenkins and automatic multi-branch GIT support
- Nathan Grunzweig
Identifying and Elevating Constraints while Transforming Coercive Systems/Procedures into Enabling Systems/Procedures
- Chaim Cohen
How not to do Devops: Confessions of a Thought Leader
- Stephen Nelson-Smith
Escalating complexity: DevOps learnings from Air France 447
- Lindsay Holmwood
Environmental friendly Puppet show
- Lior Harel
Easy querying terabytes of data with AWS Redshift
- Arik Fraimovich
Devops for the small guy
- Boris Dinkevich
Devops for testing: From 500 on-premise integrations tests to 10000 on 5 different clouds
- Kobi Kisos & Uri Cohen
DevOps at Outbrain
- Itai Hochman
DevOps and Security: It’s Happening. Right Now
- Helen Bravo
DevOps Speak: Inspiring Administrators, Chiefs, Directors and Executives to cease playing the Head Honcho game and begin to cultivate Compassionate Communication and Collaborative integration towards improved Release Management
- Chaim Cohen
DevOps - not just for SaaS startups
- Yuval Yeret
Building a Massively Scalable Cloud Service from the Ground Up
- Yoav Landman
Amazing Operations with ToC and TPS
- Evgeny Zislis
A toy story: the TabTale episode - CI in the Mobile world
- Yoram Michaeli
#StealthMode #KvmInventor #reveals #KEY #DevOps #Platform
- Dor Laor
Ignite Talks
The cost of the DevOps laptop
- Boris Dinkevich
Monitoring Patterns with Riemann
- Itai Frenkel and Eli Polonski
Doing more with logs: logs as streams of data
- Arik Fraimovich
Breaking Organizational Barriers - A Sweaty Use Case
- Uri Cohen
5 whys in 5 minutes
- Itai Hochman
5 key tips to make your deployment work on multiple clouds
- Leonid Mirsky
Puppet 101
- Alon Becker
Graphite and StatsD
- Evgeny Zislis
Check_MK Workshop
- Or Cohen
Community Sponsors