Tel Aviv 2014 - proposals

Gold sponsors

This page list the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!

Conference Talks

  1. Why can't I nail that DevOps interview?! - Nir Cohen
  2. Why Application Delivery belongs in the Cloud - Elad Chai
  3. What's wrong with QA automation? - Anton Weiss
  4. Stateless, OS-less, AppServer-less and effortless cloud deployment - Dor Laor
  5. Running micro-services with Docker & CoreOS on VMware cloud - Yardena Meymann, Lior Shapsa
  6. Ready for QA. Really? - Continuously deliver valuable content - Liran Stern, Boaz Betser, Aviva Levin
  7. Managing Terabytes on AWS - Dror Bereznitsky
  8. In Search of Quality - Yossef Mendelssohn
  9. Improving Goat Production; A Manual for Development and Operations Workers - Michael Ducy
  10. How to fail at DevOps - Pavel Suchman
  11. How enterprises can avoid getting drawn into devops wars and make the right choice - Eyal Edri, Oded Ramraz
  12. How We Automatically Analyzed 1,000 Crash Dumps in Ten Minutes - Dina Goldshtein
  13. How I develop quickly without pissing off the entire R&D dept. - Tales of internal library development - Ittai Zeidman
  14. How DevOps can accelerate continuous delivery - Dori Exterman
  15. From imperative to declarative with Kubernetes and Docker - Julia Ferraioli
  16. Docker at HP (next generation of development environment , continuous integration & delivery) - Adam Spektor
  17. Disrupting the Enterprise - F5 Networks use case - Eliran Bivas
  18. Devops without Ops - why this is destined for failure - Maish Saidel-Keesing
  19. Developers are from Mars + Operations people are from Venus - Maish Saidel-Keesing
  20. DevOps, Bootstrap and Foundation: Sleek, intuitive, powerful and responsive software development methods that stresses communication, collaboration and integration for faster and easier web development - Chaim Cohen
  21. DevOps is not a Dev Oops! - Dani Matzlavi, Lena Dolilina
  22. DevOps for the Database - Yaniv Yehuda
  23. DevOps Tools and Culture: Identifying and Elevating Constraints while Transforming Coercive Systems\Procedures into Enabling Systems\Procedures - Chaim Cohen
  24. DevOps Tools Overloading and Your Right Choice - Lena Dolinina
  25. DevOps Speak: Inspiring Administrators, Chiefs, Directors and Executives to cease playing the Head Honcho game and begin to cultivate Compassionate Communication and Collaborative integration towards improved Release Management - Chaim Cohen
  26. DevOps Culture - Asher Sterkin
  27. Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery with CA Release Automation - Meir Adler
  28. Challenges in Cutting Edge CI - Gil Hoffer
  29. Challenges in Continuous Delivery - SAP Case study - Nir Koren, Ofra Efrati-Shraiber
  30. Building a culture of fast - Julia Ferraioli
  31. Building a Massively Scalable Cloud Service from the Grounds Up - Ophir Hordan
  32. Ansible: One tool to rule them all - Shahar Kedar
  33. An experience of Continuous Delivery via Build Pipelines - Evgeny Karasik, Yaara Kohavi
  34. Advanced A/B Testing - Aviran Mordo
  35. 1000 servers, 48H, 20 miles, 0 Downtime - Orit Yaron

Ignite Talks

  1. You don't have a production environment - Avishai Ish-Shalom
  2. Using Social media as a tool in your daily work - Maish Saidel-Keesing
  3. Tools - Home grown or off the shelf software a short comparison - Eran Zimbler
  4. The importance of repeatability - Eran Zimbler
  5. Technical Evangelist Manager - Damien Caro
  6. Sonar as a Gatekeeper of your code quality - Elena Dolinina
  7. QualityOnSubmit – continuous integration in a practice - Nir Koren
  8. Making Devop deliver - Ronen Narkis
  9. Log aware development! - Nir Cohen
  10. Jeknins XML / JSON API - Nir Koren
  11. How to create dynamic automated report of your unstable jenkins jobs - Eyal Edri
  12. How to connect both static and dynamic security scan to the existing CI (Continuous Integration) processes - Nir Koren
  13. How I have messed up the marketing metrics of my company through my devops skills (... and how I actually made them better) - Laurent Doguin
  14. Fabricate your automated devops environment using python - Eyal Edri
  15. DevOps is Dead! - Nir Cohen
  16. Continuously building, releasing and deploying software: The Revenge of the Machines! - Shiran Rubin
  17. Codeine for continuous deployment - Ohad Shai
  18. Adding automatic validation to your development process using gerrit hooks dispatcher - Eyal Edri


Event Leaders

GigaSpaces Technologies HP Software

Platinum Sponsors

AOL On Revello Systems

Gold Sponsors

Cloudify by GigaSpaces Librato Metrics Chef bigpanda JFrog Wix Outbrain ElasticSearch (in partnership with We-Ankor)

Silver Sponsors

GitHub Cloudinary

Community Partner