Tel Aviv 2014 - Next Generation Docker Based Development Environment

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The session will be accompanied by many live demos for everything I will present. Here's the agenda: * Docker introduction * Problem definition Developer productivity Centralized dependencies Setup infrastructure on the developer machine with one command (Postgress, Mongo, Rabbit, Redis, etc...) Upgrade your environment with update content Cluster management * Requirements from Dev Environment Run everything on the developer's machine – NO dependencies Deploy partial stack Versioning Build process with Jenkins Monitoring IDE integration Orchestration Control Logs to developers * Tools that will talk about Vagrant + Virtual box proxyconf nugrant Docker registry
Docker monitoring - cAdvisor Docker control - nsenter Docker design paterns (DiD docker inside docker , Data containers) Testing Docker Jenkins integration for docker image build process Test execution optimization that can be achieved to execution test from docker container UI testing - Docker and Selenium Grid / Node Docker complex networking - Pipework Self registration and cluster management - Consul + App + HAproxy (Transparent scaling) Logstash inside your developer env


Adam Spektor is the DevOps Manager at HP Software. Adam had been managing the release engineering /DevOps/Automation/Performance group for the last 3 years. Prior to that he headed release engineering team at MDG Medical for 8 years. In the past he also dabbled in writing software.

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Cloudify by GigaSpaces Librato Metrics Chef bigpanda JFrog Wix Outbrain ElasticSearch (in partnership with We-Ankor)

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