Amsterdam 2015 - Proposal

Gold sponsors

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Fake IT until you make IT


Before launching your new app you would better be in control of your environments: develop & test in a production-like environment and automate the whole enchilada using Ansible & Vagrant.

Bassie will show how to set up a disposable development environment that mimics your production servers in a re-usable way with minimal maintenance.


Bassie is a software developer & system engineer with decades wasted on late-night hacking. While born before the epoch he has a keen eye for new technologies. At the moment he is engaged with a major Dutch bank and an established European identity & access management cloud service.

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Rackspace Elastic BMC Apache Cloudstack Sonatype Quint Chef ING Dynatrace Marktplaats (eBay Classifieds) PuppetLabs CoScale Exact Pivotal Xebia Bitbrains Schuberg Philis

Silver Sponsors

Sentia Docker VMware RedHat Amazon Web Services Container Solutions

Bronze Sponsors

Tellki GitHub Do Consultants Inuits leaseweb Arista DevoTeam Implicit Explicit SDL PCextreme keycdn

Community sponsors

Startup Amsterdam

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