Amsterdam 2015 - Proposal

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Why immutable infrastructure?


I'd like to present the evolution of infrastructure up to the modern day: from big physical snowflake-like servers to the modern immutable and disposable containers.

During this ignite talk I'd like to answer the following questions: * Why have we ended up with immutable infrastructure? * What are the challenges for the system administrators when moving towards immutable infrastructure? * What are the benefits? * Why can't we just continue reusing the servers/VMs like we've got used to? * How immutable infrastructure influences Continuous Delivery process?


Pavel Chunyayev works as a continuous delivery architect at Levi9 IT Services and has more than 10 years of experience in IT Operations.

He has helped more than a dozen customers to assess and improve their release/deployment processes, and run their applications better in production.

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Amazon Web Services Container Solutions Sentia Docker RedHat VMware

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leaseweb SDL keycdn Inuits PCextreme GitHub DevoTeam Tellki Do Consultants Arista Implicit Explicit

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