Amsterdam 2015 - Sponsor

Gold sponsors

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring drop us an email.

Please click here to download the Sponsor offering for Amsterdam 2015!

devopsdays is a self-organizing conference for DevOps practitioners that depends on your sponsorships to happen. However, because of the nature of the event, we do not have vendor booths or book product pitches.

Apache Cloudstack Schuberg Philis ING Dynatrace Sonatype Quint Marktplaats (eBay Classifieds) Exact Bitbrains PuppetLabs Rackspace Elastic CoScale Pivotal Xebia BMC Chef

Silver Sponsors

Container Solutions VMware RedHat Amazon Web Services Sentia Docker

Bronze Sponsors

Do Consultants Arista GitHub Implicit Explicit leaseweb Tellki PCextreme SDL DevoTeam keycdn Inuits

Community sponsors

Startup Amsterdam

Media sponsors