Abstract: DevOps is now at the cusp of being mainstream. All the normals - "donkeys" - are eager to figure it out and use it. While there's predictions of lots of people trying it, there's always predictions that 90% of people will fail if they don't address the right "cultural" issues. This talk describes the progress of DevOps in amongst the donkeys and then gives several tips for how we can help make the mainstream successful in adopting DevOps. It also covers the current progress and best practices that I'm seeing companies adopt as they "do the DevOps."

My intention is to do a "state of DevOps" from the perspective of an industry analyst, going over surveys and studies of the market to see what adoption is like. I think suggest the framing for how to think about DevOps and cloud to assure success (focus on using continuous delivery to start using custom written software to run your business) and go over several "meatware" tips.

I try to use this talk to give the audience very real things they can start doing when they get back to work. It goes over the process, organization, and management things they can take back and argue for: I package and present the data in a "corporate friendly" way that helpfully gives the audience some of the tools they need to go back and convince their organization to look into DevOps.


Speaker: Michael Coté, Pivotal

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