Abstract: Recently, it came to light that many apps in the iOS App Store had been infected with malware via a malicious XCode distribution. While this particular malware - "XCodeGhost" - mostly only affected developers in China who'd been looking for a faster Xcode download mirror, it still brings to mind a point that is - or should be! - keeping security engineers awake at night:

Even if our own teams wrote perfect, security-bug-free software (spoiler alert: they don't!) there are many other points along the software development "supply chain" where we could end up getting pwned. (Don't believe it? Just go "npm install" something and watch the dependencies fly on by...)

As with most security problems, there aren't perfect solutions here, but we certainly can "raise the bar" / "move the goalposts" / "". In this talk, we'll explore some strategies to build trust and reduce risk across this supply chain, ranging from philosophical questions (how should we evaluate what third party tools / libraries to use?) to in-the-weeds technical issues (signatures vs. checksums, GPG and Git, TLS, ...)


Speaker: Adam Goodman, Duo Security

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