Abstract: I truly don't believe we engage in any activity expecting it to fail, and same goes for app development. I remember an old statistics that compared software projects to airplanes development, which would say that only 30% would take off without significative problems. I got scared when I first heard about it, but then I looked back on the projects I worked for, and even though the numbers weren't so bad, there was really a considerable amount of projects that failed and some miserably, but there is a deep relationship between failing and innovating. DevOps for me can be the main driver and accelerator of innovation. We all know that change is a constant, but so is failure. Having that, your development and operations is wrong, if changes and failures are seen as the result of bad decisions more than as result of a learning curve. But failing is not simple and on this ignite talk I’ll cover the following considerations around DevOps, failure, and innovation: See your project as an R&D project Expect failure more than you expect change There's no way to run away from 'people process and tools' You need a good enterprise architect Pray for your boss

As a result I expect the attendee to give the right importance of DevOps in failing towards innovation.


Speaker: Diógenes Guedes Rettori

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