Ohio 2015 - Welcome

Gold sponsors

DevOpsDays Ohio 2015

Thank you to the participants, speakers, vendors, and organizers for making the 2015 Ohio DevOpsDays event a great success!

We are in the midst of gathering the slides from the presenters, listed below. If we do not have your slides yet, please email them to the organizers

Dates: November 18th & 19th

Where: The Bluestone, Columbus, Ohio

Register Here

Hotel information

From fledgling startups to established industry, the Midwest is home to a large, vibrant technology community. Ohio in particular has been a flurry of activity in the past several years, drawing attention from around the globe.

DevOpsDays Ohio will bring 300+ development, infrastructure, operations, InfoSec, management and leadership professionals together to discuss the culture and tools to make better organizations and products.

The event's schedule will consist of a mixture of single-track presentations, Ignite Talks, and the "open space" format that DevOpsDays is known for.

We're thrilled to announce two of our keynote speakers:
  • Carmen DeArdo - Nationwide Insurance - Build Technology Leader - - "The Nationwide DevOps Journey"
  • Courtney Kissler - Nordstrom - Vice President of E-Commerce and Store Technologies - "Transforming to a Culture of Continuous Improvement"
Please contact us if you'd like to sponsor the event! It's a great way to promote your organization.

Interested in giving a talk? See the proposal guidelines and submit a proposal.

If you are interested in joining the planning committee or have general questions, feel free to email the organizers.

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