This page lists the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!
Conference Talks
portable deployment pipeline
- Speaker 48
Why to Docker?
- Speaker 62
Why Analytics Fail
- Speaker 55
Where are my services?
- Speaker 41
What Happens Without Traction?
- Speaker 42
War games
- Speaker 30
Using Metrics to Choose the Right Container Scalability Platform
- Speaker 44
Using Continuous Integration to Test your Platform
- Speaker 12
Touchstone - a framework for metrics based promotion in software pipelines
- Speaker 66
There will be no DevOps jobs in five years
- Speaker 77
The evolution of monitoring systems. #monitoringstillsucks.
- Speaker 14
The donkeys are coming!
- Speaker 8
The Psychology of Wining Devops
- Speaker 7
The Pitfalls to Avoid When Building SaaS Products
- Speaker 50
The Inevitable Convergence of DevOps and Security
- Speaker 24
The Digital Apocalypse
- Speaker 8
The DevOps Pipeline
- Speaker 42
The 10 Myths of DevOps
- Speaker 16
Technical Dive into Container Interoperability with Live Demo of Containers on Azure
- Speaker 61
Stalled at the Intersection of Devops and Security
- Speaker 22
Solving the noisy alert problem: why correlation at scale is so hard
- Speaker 47
Single Point of Failure Expert
- Speaker 10
Shipping agile software @ Scale
- Speaker 33
Shedding the Stigmas of Golden Images
- Speaker 16
Security for Humans
- Speaker 17
Securing the Heart of Automated Infrastructure
- Speaker 26
Scaling PostgreSQL on AWS
- Speaker 45
Saved or Sabotaged? Seven Deadly Wastes in Your DevOps Practice
- Speaker 9
Save Your Bacon with DevOps
- Speaker 68
Rolling out Consul in a High Velocity Environment
- Speaker 64
Performance Metrics Driven Continuous Delivery
- Speaker 27
Our Child, DevOps
- Speaker 42
OpsDev 4 Life!
- Speaker 49
Not Everybody is Kelsey Hightower
- Speaker 20
New Digital Enterprise - Depends on Devops Proficiency
- Speaker 11
Nemesis Resilience Testing Platform
- Speaker 71
Monitoring 101: A Framework to Get Meaning From Your Metrics
- Speaker 44
Look at the man in the mirror – The smart way for change management in personality
- Speaker 13
Leveraging the AWS Platform for DevOps
- Speaker 67
Launch your cognitive computing app in minutes on the cloud
- Speaker 43
Keep Calm and Stay Relevant
- Speaker 10
Join the Dark Side: Why we need more DevOps in Product
- Speaker 32
Is “Rogue IT” the future?
- Speaker 38
Is your team ready for DevOps?
- Speaker 25
Introducing the private Container Service: How large organizations are adopting Docker
- Speaker 65
Infrastructure Automation and how Dev Ops Can Utilize the New Without Forgetting the Old
- Speaker 36
IT/Process Orchestration with Jenkins
- Speaker 67
Human Load Balancing– creative strategies for managing on-call
- Speaker 32
Human Error and Secure Systems
- Speaker 40
Human & Organizational factors of DevOps implementation
- Speaker 31
How to handle incidents, downtime and outages
- Speaker 30
How to build robust DevOps Automation systems at Scale
- Speaker 54
How to Use Kibana 4 for Log Analysis
- Speaker 50
How to Use Docker to Streamline Continuous Integration
- Speaker 50
How to Build an Infinitely-Scalable ELK Stack on AWS
- Speaker 50
How to Build an Infinitely-Scalable ELK Stack on AWS
- Speaker 50
How early DevOps investment greased the wheels of acquisition for Niche.co
- Speaker 56
How I stopped worrying and learned to love InfraOps
- Speaker 70
How ChatOps and Workflow are changing Business
- Speaker 18
HomeOps - Practical DevOps at Home
- Speaker 63
From 0 to Delivery :: Implementing Chef Delivery at Ooyala
- Speaker 52
Flaming Poo and the Human Response
- Speaker 39
Farming Techniques in the Epistemological Wasteland of Application Security
- Speaker 29
Errbot, a chatbot the python way
- Speaker 35
Empathy is transferable: How to create a culture of empathy among a dev team for DevOps and Ops
- Speaker 51
Docker Enables DevOps
- Speaker 63
Developers are People Too! Creating Systems that Work for Everybody
- Speaker 12
DevOps is Queer
- Speaker 46
DevOps is People: Scaling your Team
- Speaker 46
DevOps in Action in Enterprise
- Speaker 15
DevOps from an investor's perspective
- Speaker 8
DevOps from Laptop to Production and everything in between
- Speaker 56
DevOps Army of One - How To Survive When You're The SPoF
- Speaker 57
Dashboards for Discovery and Deployment: Tying the Old to the New
- Speaker 73
Creating Monitoring Dashboards that Don’t Suck
- Speaker 12
Continuous Security: It Takes a Village
- Speaker 22
Continuous Delivery with Hardware at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
- Speaker 23
Containerization and Productivity and You
- Speaker 19
Cognitive BCP (dealing with Human Memory Corruption)
- Speaker 58
Code Blue
- Speaker 72
Caching Slow MetaData with Git
- Speaker 12
Building a Learning Lab using AWS
- Speaker 67
Borrowing from Aviation Engineering: Using Apache Flume and Apache Kafka for redundant minimal-data loss messaging systems.
- Speaker 60
At Capital One, DevOpsSec is better than DevOps
- Speaker 6
Application Driven Infrastructure
- Speaker 34
Anomaly Detection 101
- Speaker 55
A DevOps State of Mind
- Speaker 21
A DevOps Philosophy
- Speaker 39
#hugops in Practice: Operationalizing Empathy
- Speaker 32
Ignite Talks
VP Mindmelds - Lessons learned
- Speaker 52
Two Microsoft Evangelists Walk Into a Room… and figure out DevOps?
- Speaker 68
Twelve Months as a Thought Lord
- Speaker 28
To Debug or Not to Debug
- Speaker 50
The U.S. Army Listening School: Lessons from an Interrogator
- Speaker 74
The Power of a Positive Community
- Speaker 69
The 10 best golang security tips you'll evar hear!
- Speaker 62
Say NO to just devops
- Speaker 53
Monitoring for Unknown Problems
- Speaker 59
Many Hands Make Light Work
- Speaker 63
Making Friends With the Marketing Team
- Speaker 50
Making Better Tech T-Shirts
- Speaker 50
Lessons from the urban classroom
- Speaker 32
Infrastructure Automation and how Dev Ops Can Utilize the New Without Forgetting the Old
- Speaker 37
DevOps from 2 simple rules
- Speaker 52
Defining Normality: Sleeping Soundly in a Dynamic World
- Speaker 75
Better Monitoring with Computed Metrics
- Speaker 59
Avoiding the Process Event Horizon
- Speaker 52
5 simple rules to make remote working work
- Speaker 53
5 Things Your Monitoring Should Be Telling You, But Isn’t
- Speaker 59
4 jobs in 4 years: a devops empathy journey
- Speaker 76
Tweets from devopsdays events