DC 2015 - Program


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DevOpsDays DC will return June 8-9, 2016.

Overcoming Barriers to DevOps Adoption within Government

Delali Dzirasa, President, Fearless Solutions, LLC (@DelaliDzirasa)

DevOps practices create transparency and foster cooperation to support the government’s goal of increased speed in deployment, innovation, and acquisition. However, three fundamental challenges must be overcome before the Government can successfully implement DevOps practices on a large scale. These three challenges are related to tools used, process implementation, and current culture. This talk will identify the specific DevOps implementation barriers and strategies to help overcome them in large government organizations leading to happier and more productive developers.


Audio-only version is available in the DevOpsDays Podcast or as a direct download.


Platinum & Venue Sponsor


Platinum Sponsors

Excella Consulting Sumo Logic Netuitive Ansible Chef CustomInk Delphix Red Hat Elastic VictorOps Fugue Sonatype FireEye

Gold Sponsors

InfoZen Comcast Circonus Opus Group, LLC BlackMesh PagerDuty govready

Silver Sponsors

Puppet Labs