Immobilienscout is a midsized organisation with ~150 Devs and ~40 Ops. The focus of the talk is not from a managers point of view but instead a snapshot from a Dev- and an Ops-guy, who switched roles for a few months.
It seems that the DevOps culture is quite sucessful and well established at Immobilienscout. We would like to talk about what we learned and the insights we had. We want to share how we are doing DevOps and what cool stuff is happening in order to be an inspiration for you and to guide what to aim for at your company.
Looking back we want to reflect on the already existing culture and preconditions that were necessary for DevOps to happen.
When doing DevOps or Agile one of the most important parts is empowering the team. Which in return will bring many not so obvious consequences and greatly change the way the team works and the relationship between management and team. We also want to share some of our learnings on that topic.
This talk will be about
Speaker: Marcel Wolf, Felix Sperling