Downunder 2013 - proposals

Gold sponsors

This page list the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!

Conference Talks

  1. Your Agile Performance Testing Checklist: MultiMechanize, Bees with Machine Guns, PageSpeed and AppDynamics - Dustin Whittle
  2. Using AWS to enable development teams - Luke Chadwick
  3. There is no talent shortage - Andrew Clay Shafer
  4. The devops journey that transformed REA - Javier Turegano
  5. The devops field guide to cognitive biases - Lindsay Holmwood
  6. The DevOps Pay Raise: Quantifying Your Value to Move Up the Ladder - Dustin Whittle
  7. Service-oriented architectures: A DevOps Dream Come True - Matt Palmer
  8. Puppet On Windows & Linux In The Cloud - A Story Of Triumph Over Adversity - Sebastian Cole (Mi9), Sam Newman (ThoughtWorks)
  9. MYOB: From no ops to devops in 12 easy months - Peter May
  10. Lies that cloud APIs tell - Michael Neale
  11. How Micro Can You Go? - Sam Newman
  12. Erlang for when you absolutely positively have to keep it running - Michael Neale
  13. Driving Environment configuration requirements early on your Continuous Deployment lifecycle - Rene Medellin
  14. Devops, Dungeons & Dragons - David Lutz
  15. DevOpsing with myself: an experience report - Julian Simpson
  16. DevOps on the Cloud: Using OpWorks to Power your Agile Development - Joe Ziegler
  17. DevOps - Focus on planning & visibility not just automation - Sean Hamawi
  18. Designing and Deploying Multi-Tenant Applications - Mitch Denny
  19. Build Pipelines & The Puppet Master: Oil & Water - Sam Newman
  20. A Build Engineering Team's journey of Infrastructure as Code - Peter Leschev

Ignite Talks

  1. What happens if Brent quits? - Trent Hornibrook
  2. Teach someone to fish ... - Colin Panisset
  3. Secrets of a DevOps Ninja - Jonathan Thorpe
  4. Putting the T in DevOps - Elliot Pahl
  5. From chimps to champs - Javier Turegano
  6. DevOps, is it only lip service for true collaboration across IT? - Rene Medellin
  7. DevOps when you can't hire the A-Team - Jonathan Thorpe
  8. 8 mistakes that prevent DevOps success - Jonathan Thorpe
Anchor Puppetlabs

Silver sponsors

Atlassian Seek  

Bronze sponsors

ThoughtWorks Octopus Deploy Amazon Web Services