Paris 2013 - Réactions/Reactions

Platinum sponsors

Now that Devopsdays Paris is over, here is the list of reactions, speaker slides, pictures gallery and video of the talks of the event.


Video are still being post-processed at this time. We'll update this page shortly when they'll be available.
Meanwhile you can browse our speaker slides below.


Here are some of our speaker slides:

We also have some of the ignite slides:


Some attendees blog post about the DevopsDays Paris event:

Picture Galleries

HP Zeroturnaround Datadog

Gold sponsors

Oxalide Normation Serena Enovance

Silver sponsors

Alter Way Synalabs Xebialabs Cfengine Theodo Sfeir Days of Wonder Stanford Ignite Paris Mozilla Sqli Prologism

Media Sponsors

Rude Baguette TooLinux WebRIVER