Silicon Valley 2014 - program

Gold sponsors

  • Talks: These were selected from the CFP and are 30 minutes slots that will have all people's full attention as everybody will be in that one room.
  • Ignite Talks: These were selected from the CFP and will be presented during the Ignite sessions: these are 5 minutes slots with slides changing every 15 seconds (20 slides total) also presented to all attendees in one room
  • Openspace Sessions: These will be created at the event by anyone, even without a prepared presentation. We welcome the discussion and interaction by having people propose a session on the fly during the openspace opening. Check the openspace format for more information


Schedule Subject to Change

Day 1

08:30- 09:00

Registration and Sponsor Booths Open
09:00- 09:35
John Willis (Vision)
State of the Union - to be confirmed
09:35- 10:10
Dominica Degrandis (Talk)
Why don’t we just say No?
10:10- 10:45
Adam Auerbach (Talk)
How Capital One put Quality in the Driver seat thru DevOps and other best practices
10:45- 11:05
11:05- 11:35
Sarah Goff-Dupont (Talk)
Marketing: the devops comrades you didn't know you had
11:35- 11:50
Ignite Intro
11:50- 11:55
Erik Sowa (Ignite)
Front-end ops and the OODA loop: A decision cycle time strategy for winning in a hostile internet environment
11:55- 12:00
Seema Jethani (Ignite)
From classic to Contemporary: An approach to tools and technology choices
12:05- 11:10
Matt Ho (Ignite)
Docker and Serf: DevOps Dynamic Duo
12:10- 11:15
Aater Suleman (Ignite)
Quick and Easy Multi-tenancy using Docker
12:15- 11:20
Jason Walker (Ignite)
12:20- 11:25
Ho Ming Li (Ignite)
5 Common Barriers when Introducing Devops
12:25- 12:55
Andrew Clay Shafer Prepare for Open Spaces!
13:00- 14:00
14:15- 15:00
Open Space
  • Lovelace - CoreOS
  • Boole - Enterprise Devops/ITIL
  • Lunch Room - 6 weeks in now what? Devops Strategy
  • Patio by Lunch Room - Ticketing Systems
  • Patio II - Version Control
15:00- 15:45
Open Space
  • Lovelace - Containers
  • Boole - CD Pipeline/Workflow/Deploy
  • Lunch Room - Moving from manual QA to automated QA
  • Patio by Lunch Room - OUTAGES
  • Patio II - Database Change Management
15:45- 16:15
16:15- 17:00
Open Space
  • Lovelace - Women In devops
  • Boole - Woring for the Federal Gov
  • Lunch Room - Skills Update/Transforming Ops into SRE
  • Patio by Lunch Room - Kanban
  • Patio II - App Blueprints (CAMP, TOSCA, OpenOrchestration)
17:00- 17:45
Open Space
  • Lovelace - Developing Talent/Managing Engineers
  • Boole - Quanitify the Biz Value of devops
  • Lunch Room - Managing Clusters/Cloud
  • Patio by Lunch Room - Standups Paper or Digital
  • Patio II - Werewolf!
18:30- 22:30
Food & Drink outside at Sports Page (Across street from Museum)

Day 2

08:30- 09:00

Registration and Sponsor Booths Open
09:00- 09:35
Randy Shoup (Talk)
The Game of Operations and the Operation of Games
09:35- 10:10
Bridget Kromhout (Talk)
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love DevOps
10:10- 10:45
Mercedes Coyle (Talk)
Onboarding and Mentoring Apprentices with DevOps Culture
10:45- 11:00
11:00- 11:35
Mark Burgess (Talk)
The Future of Configuration Management (update)
11:35- 12:10
James Urquhart (Talk)
DevOps as Relationship Management: How to keep systems of services happy
12:10- 12:20
Break CANCELED due to being behind
12:20- 12:25
Tom Duffield (Ignite)
Tips on being an Introvert in an extrovert's world
12:25- 12:30
Patrick Hoolboom (Ignite)
10 Reasons Why DevOps is the Greatest Shift in the IT Industry
12:30- 12:35
Mike Place (Ignite)
Scalable container management
12:35- 12:40
John Willis (Ignite)
From Deming to Devops
12:40- 12:45
Tanay Nagjee (Ignite)
Building QA into the Continuous Delivery Process – a Pipeline Approach
12:45- 12:50
Cædman Oakley (Ignite)
Application deployment and management with Atlantis
12:50- 13:00
Sponsor Raffles
13:00- 14:00
14:00- 14:30
Initialize Open Space Process
14:30- 15:15
Open Space (Open Space)
Open Space Re-Opening
15:15- 15:45
15:45- 16:30
Open Space (Open Space)
Open Space #1
16:30- 17:00
Closing (back in the main Auditorium)
New Relic XebiaLabs Electric Cloud Chef Sumo Logic Ansible PagerDuty CA Technologies Datadog CFEngine Ravello Systems Pertino Netflix ruxit Compuware Internap Elasticbox Librato Puppet Labs SaltStack Cumulus Lumos Labs IBM

Special sponsors

BMC Ansible Box

Silver sponsors

Boundary Dell Software VictorOps Bugcrowd Yelp RedHat

Bronze sponsors

Relevance Lab Salesforce Aerospike

Media sponsors

Velocity Usenix Lopsa Citizen Space