Day 1
08:30- 09:00
Registration and Sponsor Booths Open
09:00- 09:35
John Willis (Vision)
State of the Union - to be confirmed
09:35- 10:10
Dominica Degrandis (Talk)
Why don’t we just say No?
10:10- 10:45
Adam Auerbach (Talk)
How Capital One put Quality in the Driver seat thru DevOps and other best practices
10:45- 11:05
11:05- 11:35
Sarah Goff-Dupont (Talk)
Marketing: the devops comrades you didn't know you had
11:35- 11:50
Ignite Intro
11:50- 11:55
Erik Sowa (Ignite)
Front-end ops and the OODA loop: A decision cycle time strategy for winning in a hostile internet environment
11:55- 12:00
Seema Jethani (Ignite)
From classic to Contemporary: An approach to tools and technology choices
12:05- 11:10
Matt Ho (Ignite)
Docker and Serf: DevOps Dynamic Duo
12:10- 11:15
Aater Suleman (Ignite)
Quick and Easy Multi-tenancy using Docker
12:15- 11:20
Jason Walker (Ignite)
12:20- 11:25
Ho Ming Li (Ignite)
5 Common Barriers when Introducing Devops
12:25- 12:55
Andrew Clay Shafer Prepare for Open Spaces!
13:00- 14:00
14:15- 15:00
Open Space
- Lovelace - CoreOS
- Boole - Enterprise Devops/ITIL
- Lunch Room - 6 weeks in now what? Devops Strategy
- Patio by Lunch Room - Ticketing Systems
- Patio II - Version Control
15:00- 15:45
Open Space
- Lovelace - Containers
- Boole - CD Pipeline/Workflow/Deploy
- Lunch Room - Moving from manual QA to automated QA
- Patio by Lunch Room - OUTAGES
- Patio II - Database Change Management
15:45- 16:15
16:15- 17:00
Open Space
- Lovelace - Women In devops
- Boole - Woring for the Federal Gov
- Lunch Room - Skills Update/Transforming Ops into SRE
- Patio by Lunch Room - Kanban
- Patio II - App Blueprints (CAMP, TOSCA, OpenOrchestration)
17:00- 17:45
Open Space
- Lovelace - Developing Talent/Managing Engineers
- Boole - Quanitify the Biz Value of devops
- Lunch Room - Managing Clusters/Cloud
- Patio by Lunch Room - Standups Paper or Digital
- Patio II - Werewolf!
18:30- 22:30
Day 2
08:30- 09:00
Registration and Sponsor Booths Open
09:00- 09:35
Randy Shoup (Talk)
The Game of Operations and the Operation of Games
09:35- 10:10
Bridget Kromhout (Talk)
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love DevOps
10:10- 10:45
Mercedes Coyle (Talk)
Onboarding and Mentoring Apprentices with DevOps Culture
10:45- 11:00
11:00- 11:35
Mark Burgess (Talk)
The Future of Configuration Management (update)
11:35- 12:10
James Urquhart (Talk)
DevOps as Relationship Management: How to keep systems of services happy
12:10- 12:20
Break CANCELED due to being behind
12:20- 12:25
Tom Duffield (Ignite)
Tips on being an Introvert in an extrovert's world
12:25- 12:30
Patrick Hoolboom (Ignite)
10 Reasons Why DevOps is the Greatest Shift in the IT Industry
12:30- 12:35
Mike Place (Ignite)
Scalable container management
12:35- 12:40
John Willis (Ignite)
From Deming to Devops
12:40- 12:45
Tanay Nagjee (Ignite)
Building QA into the Continuous Delivery Process – a Pipeline Approach
12:45- 12:50
Cædman Oakley (Ignite)
Application deployment and management with Atlantis
12:50- 13:00
Sponsor Raffles
13:00- 14:00
14:00- 14:30
Initialize Open Space Process
14:30- 15:15
Open Space (Open Space)
Open Space Re-Opening
15:15- 15:45
15:45- 16:30
Open Space (Open Space)
Open Space #1
16:30- 17:00
Closing (back in the main Auditorium)