Vancouver 2014 - Program

Gold sponsors

Day 1

Friday November 14

Day 2

Saturday November 15

08:15-09:00 Registration and Breakfast
at SFU Harbour Centre, Main Lobby
Registration and Breakfast
09:00-09:15 Introduction
at SFU Harbour Centre, Fletcher Theatre, Room #1900, Main Floor
Kickoff Day 2

Application Dial Tone: The Benefits of Moving up the Stack Cornelia Davis, @cdavisafc
Director, Platform Engineering, Cloud Foundry, Pivotal

Steering the Titanic with a popsicle stick: Implementing change at a large company Kelly Shkuratoff, @kshkuratoff
Lead Member of Technical Staff at Salesforce


Policy management as code Doug Barth, @dougbarth
Operations, Pager Duty

Waiting for the Cavalry: Surviving the NoOps Purgatory Jeremy Pierre, @j14159
Senior Software Developer, Askuity Inc.

10:15-10:30 15 Minute Break 15 Minute Break

Optimized for Learning - Cultivating and Sustaining Autonomous Teams Jeff Hackert, @jchackert
Director Eng Dev at Chef

Architecting Software as if Ops Matters Alex Cruise, @alexcruise
Director of Architecture, Metafor Software


Lessons from Strategies for Fixing Total Disasters Stephanie Van Dyk,

Magic, Myth and the DevOps Jennifer Davis, @sigje
Chef Automation Consulting Engineer


Ignite Talks

  1. Test your REST Server with Jmeter Henry Chan,
    Developer/Architect/Systems Admin/Instructor

  2. A Year of DevOps - Communication, Understanding, and Empathy Chris Maxwell, @wrathofchris
    Kickass fella, Ubiquiti

  3. DevOps - Threat or Menace? Blair Dean, @devops4evar
    Systems and Infrastructure Management consultant, OpenSys Group

  4. Why K12 organizations need the DevOps culture L. Joel Rendon, @ljoelrendon

  5. Caching and You: Measuring the Performance of CDNs Kyle Young, @ksgyoung
    System Engineer, Mobify

  6. Call Me Never - Building apps that don't wake you up David Dossot, @ddossot
    Director of Software Architecture, Unbounce

Ignite Talks

  1. Diversity at DevOpsDays (and How I Was Part of the Problem) Jerry Cattel, @jcattell
    Operations Lead at Pulse Energy

  2. DevOps Against Inhumanity Julian Dunn, @julian_dunn
    Engineering Lead, Chef Software

  3. SparkleFormation: Build infrastructure with CloudFormation & keep your sanity Sean Porter, @portertech
    Heavy Water Ops

  4. Do as little as you can - Saas to Paas to Iaas to steel Omar Yasin, @omarkj
    Programmer, Heroku

  5. Scaling Development Teams John Boxall, @johnboxall
    CTO and Co-Founder, Mobify

  6. Schema from Nothing: Transformation of JSON into PostgreSQL 9.4 SQL + JSONB Power Schema Christopher Hogue, @cwvhogue
    Ph.D., Senior Data Scientist, Joyent Inc.

12:00-13:00 1 Hour Catered Lunch 1 Hour Catered Lunch
13:00-14:30 Open Space Kickoff Open Space Kickoff
14:30-15:20 Open Space Slot 1 Open Space Slot 4
15:20-16:10 Open Space Slot 2 Open Space Slot 5
16:10-17:00 Open Space Slot 3 Open Space Slot 6
17:00-17:30 Day One Closing Comments Conference Closing Comments
17:30-19:00 90 Minute Break
19:00-21:30 Party with Sponsored Drinks
at Steamworks Brew Pub, Harbour View Room
Unbounce Stackato by ActiveState Hootsuite

Silver sponsors

Polyglot Software Association Chef Pulse Energy The D&B Cloud Innovation Center

Coffee sponsor


Party sponsor


Friends sponsor

The Pearl Fisher Group

Media sponsors

Voxter Communications XE Live Broadcast