Amsterdam 2015 - Proposal

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Continuous Delivery with Docker and Mesos


This workshop will start with brief intro to Docker and more elaborate overview of Mesos and it's framework. This will include: - overview of distributed computing - history of Mesos - Mesos architecture - Maraton framework - Chronos framework - Integration with Docker

During the rest of the workshop attendees will use Terraform to setup their own full continuous delivery pipeline with git, Jenkins, Docker, Docker Registry, Marathon and Mesos.


Pini has 15+ years of experience in delivering software in Israel and Netherlands.

Starting as a developer and moving through technical, managerial and consulting positions in Configuration Management and Operations areas, Pini acquired deep understanding of the software delivery processes and currently helping organisations around Europe with improving software delivery pipeline by introducing Docker and other cutting edge technologies.

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Schuberg Philis Quint Dynatrace Xebia Elastic PuppetLabs ING Rackspace BMC Pivotal Exact CoScale Apache Cloudstack Sonatype Chef Bitbrains Marktplaats (eBay Classifieds)

Silver Sponsors

VMware Amazon Web Services RedHat Docker Sentia Container Solutions

Bronze Sponsors

Arista Do Consultants PCextreme DevoTeam leaseweb GitHub SDL keycdn Implicit Explicit Inuits Tellki

Community sponsors

Startup Amsterdam

Media sponsors