Seattle 2016 - sponsor

Gold sponsors

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email.

DevOpsDays Seattle brings development, operations, QA, InfoSec, management, and leadership together to discuss the culture and tools to make better organizations and products. With over 10% in technology job growth in the last two years, Seattle is considered by many to be the tech hub of America.

Sponsoring DevOpsDays Seattle will expose your brand to influencers in this growing technology community and give your organizations representatives a chance to talk with conference participants. Whether you are looking to recruit more talent, demo a new product, or generate brand awareness, DevOpsDays provides a unique opportunity to interact with technology professionals.

The expected turn out will be initially set at 300, with the option to expand to as many as 500. Support DevOpsDays Seattle soon and garner the attention you will receive for being an early sponsor of the event.

Sponsors have the opportunity to have short elevator pitches during the program and will get recognition on the website and social media before, during and after the event. Sponsors are encouraged to represent themselves by actively participating and engaging with the attendees as peers. Any attendee also has the opportunity to demo products/projects as part of an open space session.

Gold sponsors get a full table and Silver sponsors a shared table where they can interact with those interested to come visit during breaks. All attendees are welcome to propose any subject they want during the open spaces, but this is a community-focused conference, so heavy marketing will probably work against you when trying to make a good impression on the attendees.

The best thing to do is send engineers to interact with the experts at DevOpsDays on their own terms.

Gold Sponsorship
Silver Sponsorship
Bronze Sponsorship

1000 usd
3000 usd
5000 usd
2 included tickets   
logo on event website   
logo on shared slide, rotating during breaks   
logo on all email communication   
logo on its own slide, rotating during breaks   
1 minute pitch to full audience (including streaming audience)   
2 additional tickets (4 in total)   
4 additional tickets (6 in total)   
shared table for swag   
booth/table space   

There are also opportunities for exclusive special sponsorships. We'll have sponsors for various events with special privileges for the sponsors of these events. If you are interested in special sponsorships or have a creative idea about how you can support the event, send us an email.

Pivotal Software, Inc. Chef ThoughtWorks CD Products VictorOps Expedia Microsoft Slalom Sendachi GitHub PagerDuty Splunk Capital One New Relic Datadog Parasoft Amazon Fulfillment Sumo Logic ExtraHop
Become a Gold Sponsor!

Silver sponsors

Platform9 Concur
Become a Silver Sponsor!

Bronze sponsors

REI Luxoft Leankit
Become a Bronze Sponsor!

Media sponsors

Arrested DevOps Food Fight Software Defined Talk Podcast

Other Sponsorships

Streaming Video: Sponsor a live video stream! We'd love to make the sessions available to people unable to attend. By sponsoring the streaming video for the event you'll have unique exposure to a wider audience. Price: $5,000