Amsterdam 2014 - proposals
Gold sponsors
This page list the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!
Conference Talks
Why You're Destroying DevOps
- Michael Ducy
Who decides when to change the tyres of your Ferrari F1 car?
- Niels Talens and Miel Donkers
What would you do if you could do it all over without getting fired
- Jos Houtman, Guido Bakker and Niels vd Wall
What exactly is DevOps?
- Neil Garnichaud
Unexpected Improvements
- Andrei Serdeliuc
Traditional: DevOps Tales: A Journey through Swamps of Sadness
- Jason Walker
The future of the VMs, the Centralised Orchestration and DevOps in the world of Microservices
- Pini Reznik
The future of O/S
- Avishai Ish-Shalom
The Power to Change
- Mark Coleman
Reality Driven DevOps
- Adriaan Thomas and Ruben Jannink
Quantifying the value of DevOps
- Dustin Whittle
Pre-Flight Builds for Quality Control
- Yegor Bugayenko
Monitoring at Service Provider Scale
- Chris Jackson
Just In Time, Just Enough Administration
- Jeffrey Snover
Integration of Dev and Ops: simple or difficult?
- Niels Loader
Improving Goat Production: A manual for Development and Operations Workers
- Michael Ducy
ITIL and DevOps at war in the Enterprise
- Jan-Joost Bouwman and Mark Heistek
Devops and PaaS
- Marek Jelen
DevOps: Start me up
- Rudi van Drunen, Arian Jacobs
DevOps: For Happier, More Productive People
- Leslie Hawthorn
Desired State Configuration and Microsoft Windows
- Jeffrey Snover
Continuous Security Testing
- Stephen de Vries
Continuous Delusions - The hard truth about the deployment
- Avishai Ish-Shalom
Continuous Delivery in the Openstack Project
- Alessandro Vozza
Building a culture of DevOps from the ground up
- Dustin Whittle
Building a Loosely Coupled Toolchain with Rundeck and Puppet
- Steven Meunier
Building a DevOps pipeline
- Alon Becker
Avoiding the 1000 Euro VM in your first cloud
- Tim Mackey
Ignite Talks
The men who stare at goats
- Kris Buytaert
Open Source end 2 end monitoring solution
- Oren Katz
- Jason Walker
Celebrating 1 year of Collaboration Driven Development (CDD)
- Patrice Willemot
Silver sponsors