Amsterdam 2014 - proposals

Gold sponsors

This page list the proposals we have received. Help the presenters with your feedback!

Conference Talks

  1. Why You're Destroying DevOps - Michael Ducy
  2. Who decides when to change the tyres of your Ferrari F1 car? - Niels Talens and Miel Donkers
  3. What would you do if you could do it all over without getting fired - Jos Houtman, Guido Bakker and Niels vd Wall
  4. What exactly is DevOps? - Neil Garnichaud
  5. Unexpected Improvements - Andrei Serdeliuc
  6. Traditional: DevOps Tales: A Journey through Swamps of Sadness - Jason Walker
  7. The future of the VMs, the Centralised Orchestration and DevOps in the world of Microservices - Pini Reznik
  8. The future of O/S - Avishai Ish-Shalom
  9. The Power to Change - Mark Coleman
  10. Reality Driven DevOps - Adriaan Thomas and Ruben Jannink
  11. Quantifying the value of DevOps - Dustin Whittle
  12. Pre-Flight Builds for Quality Control - Yegor Bugayenko
  13. Monitoring at Service Provider Scale - Chris Jackson
  14. Just In Time, Just Enough Administration - Jeffrey Snover
  15. Integration of Dev and Ops: simple or difficult? - Niels Loader
  16. Improving Goat Production: A manual for Development and Operations Workers - Michael Ducy
  17. ITIL and DevOps at war in the Enterprise - Jan-Joost Bouwman and Mark Heistek
  18. Devops and PaaS - Marek Jelen
  19. DevOps: Start me up - Rudi van Drunen, Arian Jacobs
  20. DevOps: For Happier, More Productive People - Leslie Hawthorn
  21. Desired State Configuration and Microsoft Windows - Jeffrey Snover
  22. Continuous Security Testing - Stephen de Vries
  23. Continuous Delusions - The hard truth about the deployment - Avishai Ish-Shalom
  24. Continuous Delivery in the Openstack Project - Alessandro Vozza
  25. Building a culture of DevOps from the ground up - Dustin Whittle
  26. Building a Loosely Coupled Toolchain with Rundeck and Puppet - Steven Meunier
  27. Building a DevOps pipeline - Alon Becker
  28. Avoiding the 1000 Euro VM in your first cloud - Tim Mackey

Ignite Talks

  1. The men who stare at goats - Kris Buytaert
  2. Open Source end 2 end monitoring solution - Oren Katz
  3. LEGOOps - Jason Walker
  4. Celebrating 1 year of Collaboration Driven Development (CDD) - Patrice Willemot
Schuberg Philis eBay CA Technologies Quanza Engineering ElasticSearch Arista Chef IBM DevOps BitBrains Better.Be LeaseWeb SURFsara

Silver sponsors

PuppetLabs LayerThree Sentia CRI interXion Google Compute SDL Pine Digital Security Nexenta Network Hardware Resale Apache CloudStack itq infradata VX Company Prowareness Thoughtworks Citrix Salzer