In the recent year we decreased the time needed to release Prezi’s desktop application from 3 days of manual work to a 3-hour automated process. Instead of spending time on the release procedure, engineers could focus on product development that actually brings value to the user.
The concept of continuous delivery is well known and used for web applications. You make changes in the code, push it to a common repository, run your automated tests against the changes and if everything went well, you can deploy to production right away. With the right tools this can take minutes. But what happens to your desktop application that can be installed on different operating systems with different versions? In our case this means Windows and Mac platforms. Releasing an application like that can be time consuming and lots of manual work. I would like to talk about how we made the release process fully automated, relatively quick and reliable from creating installers to running automated tests to monitoring so you could release the next version of our application from even a pub. Just as we did to celebrate our achievement.
Speaker: Karoly Kamaras
I joined Prezi 2 years ago, since then I have been working on automated acceptance tests and build processes. I work in the Desktop team which is responsible for Prezi's desktop application. My main tasks are creating and maintaining automated acceptance tests for the application and creating a fast and reliable release process