Ljubljana 2014 - Proposal

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Monitoring ecosystem at Zemanta


In DevOps world one of the key tasks is to monitor everything. And by everything I mean Everything. If you can put a numeric value to something, you store it, so later it can be presented in some way. There are many different ways to present the data. It can be used to help make important decisions and there are pitfalls in a way we present it.

I'll talk about the ways we monitor and alert here at Zemanta - how we got here and where are we going. I'd like to talk a bit about Graphite.

Graphite is an open-source project that stores and plots time-series metrics. We are using it for monitoring for almost 2 years now and it had proven to be very easy to use and integrate. Moreover there are other projects that make Graphite even more useful. We'll take a look at Seyren and Statsd and how it all falls together.

I'll wrap it up with how developers can utilize such systems so they can be more confident to deploy code to production.

Speaker: Marko Čelan

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